Silicon Laboratories Stepper Machine Stepper Machine User Manual |
1. Kit Contents
The Stepper Motor Reference Design Kit contains the following items:
„ Stepper Motor Reference Design Board
„ Stepper Motor
„ Universal AC to DC Power Adapter
„ USB Debug Adapter
„ USB Cable
„ Serial Cable
„ Reference Design Kit Tools & Documentation CD
2. Kit Overview
This reference design demonstrates a high-performance stepper motor system using the C8051F300/1. The
reference design provides for both stand-alone demo operation and UART control. The reference design may also
be used as a platform for stepper motor code development.
This User's Guide provides a step-by-step guide for getting your system up and running. Refer to the application
note “AN155: Stepper Motor Reference Design“ for complete documentation of the Stepper Motor Reference
Figure 1. Stepper Motor Reference Design Board
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Copyright © 2006 by Silicon Laboratories
4. HyperTerminal Demonstration
Start with the Demo Setup above and add an RS-232 cable connection to your computer as shown in Figure 3. The
RS-232 connection is used with a terminal program to provide a basic terminal interface for the stepper motor. If
your PC has USB and does not have a serial port, you may use the Silicon Laboratories CP2102 EK to provide a
virtual COM port connection.
Serial Cable
Stepper Motor
Reference Design
Figure 3. Stepper Motor Reference Design Terminal Setup
Open the HyperTerminal application. The HyperTerminal program may be launched on most Windows XP systems
from the Start Menu:
Enter any name into the "Connection Description" dialog box is shown in Figure 4. In the "Connect To" dialog box,
choose the COM port corresponding to the Serial connection on your PC. In the Port Settings dialog box select
57600 baud and no flow control. Use the default settings of 8 data bits, no parity, and one stop bit.
Figure 4. Setting Up HyperTerminal
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Push the Reset button on the Stepper Motor Reference Design Board. When reset, the Stepper Motor Reference
Design sends a ">" prompt character to the terminal. If you do not get a prompt character, check your port settings,
cable connections, and make sure the Stepper Motor Reference Design Board is powered.
The Stepper Motor Reference Design command line provides some basic terminal commands to display motor
status, change position, and change acceleration. Typing an “s” character immediately displays the motor status.
Typing a "p" followed by a number and a return moves the motor to the desired position. See “AN155: Stepper
Motor Reference Design“ for a detailed description of the command line interface.
Figure 5. Stepper Motor Command Line
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5. Development Tool Installation
Install the Reference Design Kit Tools from the Reference Design Kit Tools & Documentation CD. This installs the
Silicon Laboratories IDE and the 2k code size limited version of the Keil Compiler.
Figure 6. Install Development Tools
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6. Development Setup using the USB Debug Adapter
The Stepper Motor Reference Design includes everything you need to develop your own stepper motor control
firmware using the Silicon Laboratories C8051F300/1 MCU. The Stepper Motor reference design code may be
used as a starting point for your own code development.
Connect the Stepper Motor, ac/dc power adapter, and serial cable if you have not done so already. Refer to the
stepper motor wiring Table 1 on page 2 for the stepper motor connections. Connect the USB Debug Adapter ribbon
cable to the 10-pin Debug connector on the Stepper Motor Reference Design Board. Connect the USB Debug
Adapter to your PC using the supplied USB cable as shown in Figure 7.
Serial Cable
Stepper Motor
Reference Design
USB Port
Figure 7. Development Setup using the USB Debug Adapter
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7. Stepper Motor Project
The source code for the Stepper Motor Reference design is installed from the CD onto your hard drive in the
following default location:
The software for AN155 is also available as a zip file on the CD or from the Silicon Laboratories website.
To create a stepper motor project, complete the following steps:
1. Launch the Silicon Laboratories IDE from the Start menu.
2. Select “Add Files to Project” from the Project menu.
3. Browse to the source code location listed above, and open the file stepper.c.
4. Double click on Stepper.c in the Project Workspace pane to open.
5. Select “Rebuild All” from the project menu or click on the “Rebuild All” button. (The IDE will compile and link the
6. Select “Connection Options” from the Options menu.
7. Make sure the USB Debug Adapter is selected and the Debug Interface is using the C2 connection.
8. Select “Connect” from the Debug menu, or click on the “Connect” button in the tool bar.
The Status Bar should display Target:C8051F301 to indicate the IDE is connected to the MCU on the Stepper
Motor Reference Design Board. Refer to the application note AN155 for additional information on the stepper
motor code.
Figure 8. Stepper Motor Project
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8. Related Documents
„ Stepper Motor Reference Design Quick Start Guide
„ AN155: Stepper Motor Reference Design
Soft copies of this document and the ones listed above are included on the Reference Design Kit Tools &
Documentation CD. Click on Browse Documents to locate them or explore the CD and locate the User’s Guides
and Application Notes in the Documents folder.
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Contact Information
Silicon Laboratories Inc.
4635 Boston Lane
Austin, TX 78735
The information in this document is believed to be accurate in all respects at the time of publication but is subject to change without notice.
Silicon Laboratories assumes no responsibility for errors and omissions, and disclaims responsibility for any consequences resulting from
the use of information included herein. Additionally, Silicon Laboratories assumes no responsibility for the functioning of undescribed features
or parameters. Silicon Laboratories reserves the right to make changes without further notice. Silicon Laboratories makes no warranty, rep-
resentation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Silicon Laboratories assume any liability
arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation conse-
quential or incidental damages. Silicon Laboratories products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use in applications intended to
support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the Silicon Laboratories product could create a situation where per-
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plication, Buyer shall indemnify and hold Silicon Laboratories harmless against all claims and damages.
Silicon Laboratories and Silicon Labs are trademarks of Silicon Laboratories Inc.
Other products or brandnames mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
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